A healthy home starts with a great environment

Are you looking for ideas to create a healthier home and indoor environment? Then you've come to the right place! There are many ways to improve indoor air and light quality. Here are our tips to help you get started.
Key takeaways

What is a healthy home?

We spend 90% of our time indoors. Therefore, a good indoor climate is crucial to a healthy home. And it all starts with indoor air quality.

Good indoor air quality comes down to proper ventilation: fresh air just feels nice! When you enter a room, you can immediately feel the pleasantness of the air. But good indoor air quality also affects us in other ways.

Health: Breathing in air from a stuffy room can have negative health effects. House dust mites thrive in damp environments. Airing your space out regularly can reduce the risk of allergies and asthma.

Performance: High-quality indoor air can improve general well-being. It will also support your ability to concentrate. If you're working from home, remember to ventilate frequently throughout the day.

Humidity and ventilation

Creating a healthy home means lots of ventilation and humidity control. Having the right humidity level at home is essential. If your home is too dry, it can cause your skin and lips to feel uncomfortable. If it's too humid, it can cause problems for asthmatics and people with allergies. Therefore, avoiding high levels of humidity will ensure a better indoor climate.

Humidity can cause respiratory diseases due to condensation and mould. The most straightforward way to avoid these problems and promote a good indoor environment is to ventilate frequently. Adding a roof window that automatically opens and closes is an easy way to ensure proper ventilation for a healthy indoor environment.

Get the lighting right

Natural light and fresh air work as mood boosters in our homes. Natural light helps improve our mood, makes for more restful sleep, and strengthens our immunity. Incorporating plenty of daylight into your home will help you create a healthier home environment.

Connect the indoor and the outdoors

Another good way to create a healthy home is by adding plants and greenery to your space. Plants are more than just an attractive way of decorating your home.

Plants can help to purify the air and reduce toxins. The snake plant is one of the rare houseplants that convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at night. In fact, the snake plant is on NASA's list of the top 10 air purifying plants. Plants are also a great way of bringing the outside in, and giving you access to a small element of nature from your home.

Adding roof windows to the spaces in your home will have the same effect. Whether it be more natural light, a starry sky, fresh air, or birds singing, roof windows help bring you closer to nature.

Save energy with a healthy home

Energy-efficient solutions help create healthy indoor living environments with healthy air temperatures, humidity levels, noise levels, and improved air quality. Investing in proper insulation, incorporating plenty of daylight to save on electricity, installing lights with low environmental impact like LED lights, and using quality, eco-friendly materials and products are a few ways to make your home more energy efficient.

Think about eco-solutions when renovating

If you're renovating your home, the products you choose can help create a healthy environment in your house.

For instance, if your doors and windows are poorly sealed, air will flow in and out of your home. This makes it difficult to keep your house at a constant temperature and will waste energy. Choosing quality doors and windows will help you control the indoor environment and make for a healthier home. VELUX roof windows are perfect for letting in plenty of daylight. They'll save you money on your electrical bills and allow your heating and cooling systems to work smarter, not harder!

We spend 90% of our time indoors. Therefore, a good indoor climate is crucial to a healthy home. And it all starts with indoor air quality.


VELUX Editorial team




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